하나하나 import x
import java.util.*; → 풀다가 자료구조 바꿀때도 새로 안 써도 돼서 시간 은근 절약됨 꿀팁
⭐how to know if a character is lowercase
⭐how to convert lowercase to uppercase
⚠️주의할 점은 저거 하고 다시 넣어줘야 한다는거다 substring같이
char c = s.charAt(0);
Character.toUpperCase(c); -> 바뀐게 c에 저장이 안 됨
c = Character.toUpperCase(c); -> 넣어줘야 함!
⭐String이 Char을 포함하는지 아는법
⭐String끼리 +연산 하는게 상당히 느리기 때문에 Stringbuilder로 만들고 .append()를 해줄것!
⭐Public String [] split ( String regex, int limit)
- limit > 0 – If this is the case, then the pattern will be applied at most limit-1 times, the resulting array’s length will not be more than n, and the resulting array’s last entry will contain all input beyond the last matched pattern.
- limit < 0 – In this case, the pattern will be applied as many times as possible, and the resulting array can be of any size.
- limit = 0 – In this case, the pattern will be applied as many times as possible, the resulting array can be of any size, and trailing empty strings will be discarded.
Let the string that is to be split is – geekss@for@geekssd
Regex Limit Result
@ | 2 | {“geekss”, ”for@geekss”} |
@ | 5 | {“geekss”, ”for”, ”geekss”} |
@ | -2 | {“geekss”, ”for”, ”geekss”} |
s | 5 | {“geek”, ”“, “@for@geek”, “”, “”} |
s | -2 | {“geek”, ” “, ” “, “@for@geek”, “”, “”} |
s | 0 | {“geek”, ””, ”@for@geek”} |
⭐Java Split dot(".") → ("\\.") Regex에 해당되어서 바꿔줘야 함
str.split("."); → str.split("\\\\.");
String str = "geekss@for@geekss";
String[] arrOfStr = str.split("@", 2);
/* result
String str = "geekss@for@geekss";
String[] arrOfStr = str.split("@", -2);
/* result
String str = "GeeksforGeeks:A Computer Science Portal";
String[] arrOfStr = str.split(":");
/* result
A Computer Science Portal
String str = "word1, word2 word3@word4?word5.word6";
String[] arrOfStr = str.split("[, ?.@]+");
/* result
⭐java String to charArray
String s = "GeeksForGeeks";
char[] gfg = s.toCharArray();
⚠️replace하고 String에 안 넣어주시면 안됩니다
Y = Y.replaceFirst(target,"");
⭐HashMap의 getOrDefault
int result = map.getOrDefault(target,-1);
⭐How to update a value, given a key in a hashmap?
map.put(key, map.get(key) + 1);
⭐how to remove entry from hashmap by Value?
There's a simple method, but it'll use iteration internally.
(There's no way around that.)
//근데 그냥 map.remove(key) 썼던거같아 아 이건 value로 제거하기구나 count가 일정 수 이상인거 날려버릴때 썼던듯 인데?
걍 List로 바꿔서 보면서 value가 count 넘는 key를 갖다 삭제하면 될 것 같음
⭐람다 함수로 map 정렬하기
Map<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put("a", 3);
map.put("b", 2);
map.put("c", 1);
List<Map.Entry<String, Integer>> entryList = new ArrayList<>(map.entrySet());
entryList.sort(((o1, o2) -> map.get(o1.getKey()) - map.get(o2.getKey())));
//출력for(Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : entryList){
System.out.println("key : " + entry.getKey() + ", value : " + entry.getValue());
sort 함수 내가 구현해도 되는데 -1 0 1이 돌아가야 함, 외부 함수여도 상관 x
Map을 ArrayList로!
List<Map.Entry<Integer,Integer>> = new ArrayList<>(**a.entrySet()**); //->
Map Iteration
for(Map.Entry<Integer,Integer> val : map.entrySet()){
int left = val.getKey() +cost[index];
int right = val.getKey();
if (left >= max) next.add(left);
if (right >= max) next.add(right);
⭐List 의 정렬
Lambda함수로 정렬하기
list.sort((s1, s2) -> s2.compareTo(s1)); // 리스트에 있는 값을 내림차순으로 정렬
Comparator로 List 정렬하기
class Cost implements Comparable<Cost>{
public int cost;
public int compareTo(Cost c)
if (cost > c.cost) {
return 1;
else if (cost == c.cost) {
return 0;
else {
return -1;
public class Main {
// Main driver method
public static void main(String[] args)
// . . .
import java.util.Collections;
**Collections.swap(ArrList, 1, 2);**
import java.util.Stack;
Stack<Integer> stack = new Stack<Integer>();
stack.push(value);//Pushes an element on the top of the stack.
int position = stack.search(value);//If the element is found, returns the position of the element from the top of the stack. Else, it returns -1.
stack.pop();//Removes and returns the top element of the stack. An ‘EmptyStackException’ is thrown if we call pop() when the invoking stack is empty.
stack.peek();//Returns the element on the top of the stack, but does not remove it.
stack.empty(); //It returns true if nothing is on the top of the stack. Else, returns false.
⚠️stack search는 0이 아니라 1부터 세어줌
import java.util.HashSet; // Import the HashSet class
HashSet<String> cars = new HashSet<String>();
Set To List in Constructor
Set<Integer> a = new HashSet<>();
List<Integer> arr = new ArrayList<>(a);
Set Iteration with improved for loop
HashSet<Integer> set = new HashSet<>();
for(int val : set){
int left = val/3;
int right = val/2;
int middle = val -1;
if (val%3==0&& left >= target) next.add(left);
if (val%2==0&& right >= target) next.add(right);
if(middle>=target) next.add(middle);
// Java program to demonstrate a Queue
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Queue;
Queue<Integer> q = new LinkedList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
int removedele = q.remove();
int head = q.peek();
int size = q.size();
Priority Queue
compareTo구현 안 해도 lambda로도 가능함
PriorityQueue<Integer> q = new PriorityQueue<>((o1,o2)-> o2-o1);
public class PriorityQueue<E> extends AbstractQueue<E> implements Serializable
where E is the type of elements held in this queue
A few important points on Priority Queue are as follows:
- PriorityQueue doesn’t permit null.
- We can’t create a PriorityQueue of Objects that are non-comparable
- PriorityQueue are unbound queues.
- The head of this queue is the least element with respect to the specified ordering. If multiple elements are tied for the least value, the head is one of those elements — ties are broken arbitrarily.
- Since PriorityQueue is not thread-safe, java provides **[PriorityBlockingQueue](https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/priorityblockingqueue-class-in-java/#:~:text=PriorityBlockingQueue is an unbounded blocking,and supplies blocking retrieval operations.&text=PriorityBlockingQueue class and its iterator,the Collection and Iterator interfaces.)** class that implements the **[BlockingQueue](https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/blockingqueue-interface-in-java/#:~:text=Methods in Blocking Queue Interface&text=Removes all available elements from,them to the given collection.&text=Removes at most the given,them to the given collection.)** interface to use in a java multithreading environment.
- The queue retrieval operations poll, remove, peek, and element access the element at the head of the queue.
- It provides O(log(n)) time for add and poll methods.
- It inherits methods from AbstractQueue, AbstractCollection, Collection, and Object class.
PriorityQueue<E> pq = new PriorityQueue<E>();//natural ordering
PriorityQueue<E> pq = new PriorityQueue<E>(Collection<E> c);
3. PriorityQueue(int initialCapacity): Creates a PriorityQueue with the specified initial capacity that orders its elements according to their natural ordering.
PriorityQueue<E> pq = new PriorityQueue<E>(int initialCapacity);
4. PriorityQueue(int initialCapacity, Comparator<E> comparator): Creates a PriorityQueue with the specified initial capacity that orders its elements according to the specified comparator.
PriorityQueue<E> pq = new PriorityQueue(int initialCapacity, Comparator<E> comparator);
5. PriorityQueue(PriorityQueue<E> c): Creates a PriorityQueue containing the elements in the specified priority queue.
PriorityQueue<E> pq = new PriorityQueue(PriorityQueue<E> c);
6. PriorityQueue(SortedSet<E> c): Creates a PriorityQueue containing the elements in the specified sorted set.
PriorityQueue<E> pq = new PriorityQueue<E>(SortedSet<E> c);
7. PriorityQueue(Comparator<E> comparator): Creates a PriorityQueue with the default initial capacity and whose elements are ordered according to the specified comparator.
PriorityQueue<E> pq = new PriorityQueue<E>(Comparator<E> c);
import java.util.*;
class PriorityQueueDemo {
// Main Method
public static void main(String args[])
// Creating empty priority queue
PriorityQueue<Integer> pQueue = new PriorityQueue<Integer>();
// Adding items to the pQueue using add()
// Printing the top element of PriorityQueue
// Printing the top element and removing it
// from the PriorityQueue container
// Printing the top element again
내가 원하는 Class 구현해서도 사용가능함, compareTo 를 구현해 줘야 함
import java.util.*;
class Solution {
public int solution(int n, int k, int[] enemy) {
int answer = 0;
PriorityQueue<Enemy> q = new PriorityQueue<>();
for(int i=0;i<enemy.length;i++){
q.add(new Enemy(enemy[i],i));
Enemy temp = q.poll();
return answer;
class Enemy implements Comparable<Enemy>{
public int number;
public int index;
public Enemy(int n, int i){
number = n;
index = i;
public int compareTo(Enemy o){
return o.number - this.number;
다른 자료구조 혼종으로 쓰기
ArrayList의 배열
static ArrayList<Node> [] nodes;
nodes = new ArrayList [n]; //new ArrayList<Integer> []이 아님에 주의!
배열의 ArrayList
private static List<int[]> list;
list = new ArrayList<>();
list.add(new int[] {start, end});
deep copy
boolean [] newVisit = visit.clone();
sort with lambda